How to Stop Overthinking?
Well today when I started writing, I was thinking a lot about what to write and what is something that we always look for. A lot of options came to my mind, after discarding everything again and again and started thinking about something else, then finally something came up to my mind that such an adverse situation comes with everyone in day-to-day life. This terrible habit can come off to not only me but is faced by too many people out there in this fast-growing world. So today’s topic is ‘OVERTHINKING’.
If you are asked a question that how many hours per day do you think? So what will be your answer, definitely tell me in the comment? When I was asked this question for the first time, I did not understand at all whether to answer it. If you don’t understand then let me get this straight: You’re thinking all the time, and yet you never consider how much time you spend thinking. That sounds like an addiction. I know because somewhere I too was addicted to overthinking.
Overthinking is a common problem but when it gets out of control then many problems have to be faced. Like sleeplessness, and mental health problems. And due to this, it becomes very difficult to diagnose.
When I eat too much, I can say, “I’m overeating. I need to eat less.” When I work too much, I can say, “I’m getting burned out. I need to stop working.” When I drink too much, I can say, “I need to stop. I need a bottle of water.” But when I think too much, it’s not enough to just say “I’m overthinking.” I need a different approach to unclog my brain.
You know, how we are trained to be leaders from childhood but being a leader requires confidence, decision-making power, and quick thinking ability. None of which is possible if you worry or overthink about every little thing. The time to act, the time to reflect on it, and the time to move forward are all different aspects.
In overthinking, we waste a lot of our crucial time and get trapped in an endless loop of overthinking. We get too scared to make decisions. By doing this neither we move forward but our graph of improvement starts falling substantially. So let’s see how we can overcome the loop of overthinking:
You know overthinking overtakes us when we start revisiting the decision again and again that you have taken shortly before. When you refuse to close the door of the taken decision or you refuse to break out of the loop of a revisit. Have faith in your decision because you have worked on it for an endless hour before arriving on the decision. Monitor your decision only when you have received some new information and the decision needs to be changed. It is very important to know the difference that overthinking and solving a problem are two totally different things. You know, by constantly thinking about the situation and possibility, we often understand the solution to the problem. It seems that you are doing something good and productive but you are not. You are just moving around in a loop . Understand, when you’re overthinking about any situation, don’t think you’re working on the solution and just get out of that loop quickly.
There is one rule of 90–10, this is a formula that will help you to calculate how much you value yourself. Based on 90 % self-worth, what we consider to be our value, and 10 % what we take from others’ opinions. So definitely remember the 90–10 rule.
Embrace uncertainty, i.e, not knowing what will happen next. When we do not know, we often go to fill in the blanks that too with the completely useless and lousy notion because many of us like to be sad, Instead of growing up in uncertainty. Absurd assumptions can take many forms. All within themselves, the debate turns into an inner loop of a bigger controversy to just make peace with not knowing things. It’s OK if you don’t know the definite answer to something, it’s always going to be known.
Let’s replace it with what if, we’ll see. In overthinking we always think what if I don’t get the result, what if I proposed and she refused, whose answers you do not know what will happen in the future. If you find yourself asking the same question, then quickly change it into we will see. What if we’ll see what happens. This will lead you towards self-acceptance.
So just these things which have helped me and have helped many people, you should also follow these things and let me know in the comments whether your overthinking has any effect on your life or not. I hope today’s article was helpful, let me know your thoughts in the comment box.
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